
Experts in Roof Replacement, Hail Damage Remediation and Insurance Work.

From the Start, we will always work in your favor just like the Insurance Companies work on theirs!

Illinois, Indiana & Wisconsin

We are the leading roofing experts, specializing in servicing these three midwest states.


Ensuring the stability and waterproofing of roofs using the latest materials available.


Replacing old and damaged siding with the latest and longer-lasting materials designed with the use of the latest technology.


Gutters should be properly working and not damaged by natural storms and acts of nature so that they don’t affect the integrity of the surrounding surface.

Hail Damage

Most people don’t understand how hail can damage a roof, especially if the hail is as big as a baseball and multiple storms have gone through the same location.

Wind Damage

It is not until the materials that are attached to the house start to either make a sound or cause attention that wind damage is noticed. Don’t wait until it is too late to repair damage that can get worse over time!

Water & Fire Damage

Water and Fire Damage is another service that Roofing Experts are not given credit for but just like hail, it can affect the integrity and safety of your property.

“Making sure that Homeowner’s Insurance is properly used by our clients is our most important job”

Rick Alvarez

State Public Adjusting